Happy independence day guys! so it's been 60 long years since we have had our freedom.. even if we have not seen a fight for the freedom, we surely know the pain that our great grandfathers have undergone, just for the sake of a place where we can live the way we want, .. the freedom of speech, freedom to move around, or for that matter, freedom to do whatever we want, irrespective of our religion and color!... isn't that great... but have we ever given a thought what have we given them back?!!! ...Don't worry, I am not blaming anyone here.. just requesting you to ask this question to yourselves... question yourself 'What have I done and what will I do to give back those freedom fighters, so that wherever they are, they will feel proud of having great grandsons like me?' ... No need to measure sacrifices or the charity one does for country, ONLY by the amount of money or time you spend... Most of the things that you can do to help our motherland are often in our day to day life .. like not wasting the resources... for instance, how many of you switch off the lights/ fans/monitors while leaving office... its not that difficult to do that.. we just have to be a bit more conscious and it could be of great help as we are facing acute shortage of electricity (we wont notice that, living in big cities and high tech offices, but it's a huge problem that we are facing rite now in India)..the same thing goes for water also... the amount of water people waste is just outrageous.. I am not asking you to stop taking bath, (that will cause problems to people around you .. ;-) )... but use it judiciously!! These things are easy if you consciously try!!
The other thing which I really find disturbing amongst us is people's attitude towards participating in our democracy.. it is surely the biggest democracy in the whole world, but I think we can do it better and easily break our own record... again I am not asking you to go out and fight for elections... that is not as easy... but at least 'VOTE', my friends.... people refrain from voting saying 'NO CANDIDATE in my constituency was good enough to get my vote.. '.. you say that very boastfully, putting yourself in a portrait of a smart person, but in my view, you are the most irresponsible person ... as most of you never tried to know the candidates just because you want to sleep on a holiday (i.e a voting day) .. if you ever took pains to know, u can at least go and vote for the better amongst the candidates, rather than none.. at least u will make it a point that whoever comes into lok sabha/vidhan sabha will do less harm than others will, if not good...
I remember this saying by George Bernard Shaw .. ' Democracy is a device that insures we shall be governed no better than we deserve' ... so its us who can make things happen!!.. thats the beauty of Democracy!!
we are awarded with a citizenship of a FREE COUNTRY, we never had to fight for our freedom, ... Well, we will surely have a happy independence day by feeling proud of what our ancestors have achieved by sacrificing their lives, but ever thought of making our grandsons and great grandsons also proud of what we do today...we dont even have to sacrifice our lives.. only be more responsible...a few things which u can easily adopt in your life... nothing extravagant, is it?!
Thanks for reading it... don't just appreciate and forget it ... give It a thought...Let us all contribute towards an AMAZING INDIA :-) ..
And happy birthday to our mother-land who is 60 years YOUNG now.....
The other thing which I really find disturbing amongst us is people's attitude towards participating in our democracy.. it is surely the biggest democracy in the whole world, but I think we can do it better and easily break our own record... again I am not asking you to go out and fight for elections... that is not as easy... but at least 'VOTE', my friends.... people refrain from voting saying 'NO CANDIDATE in my constituency was good enough to get my vote.. '.. you say that very boastfully, putting yourself in a portrait of a smart person, but in my view, you are the most irresponsible person ... as most of you never tried to know the candidates just because you want to sleep on a holiday (i.e a voting day) .. if you ever took pains to know, u can at least go and vote for the better amongst the candidates, rather than none.. at least u will make it a point that whoever comes into lok sabha/vidhan sabha will do less harm than others will, if not good...
I remember this saying by George Bernard Shaw .. ' Democracy is a device that insures we shall be governed no better than we deserve' ... so its us who can make things happen!!.. thats the beauty of Democracy!!
we are awarded with a citizenship of a FREE COUNTRY, we never had to fight for our freedom, ... Well, we will surely have a happy independence day by feeling proud of what our ancestors have achieved by sacrificing their lives, but ever thought of making our grandsons and great grandsons also proud of what we do today...we dont even have to sacrifice our lives.. only be more responsible...a few things which u can easily adopt in your life... nothing extravagant, is it?!
Thanks for reading it... don't just appreciate and forget it ... give It a thought...Let us all contribute towards an AMAZING INDIA :-) ..
And happy birthday to our mother-land who is 60 years YOUNG now.....