If we refrain from spending leisurely what we earn*, we might help in reducing the demand and then supply and demand balances out a bit, which in turn checks the price rise. But then 'not spending' is like discouraging manufacturing sector and hence growth. So the point is we can not really check inflation by sacrificing on development. Inflation goes parallel with development** and we can avoid ill effects of inflation only by achieving inclusive growth, making it a point that even people at low level get the share of what growth India is getting :) .. I know its easier said than done, and one step approach towards that is education and hence generation of quality employment!.. simple?! .. nah, not at all... that's a pretty big step to achieve in Indian circumstances but somehow, I feel there is no other way out.. or is there?!
*almost every IT employee ends up getting at least around 20 k at the end of month, with not much responsibility towards family when it comes to bachelors and females (spendthrifts ;-) ), so they spend freely and there must be at least 4 lakh IT employees in India, which is quite big number.
**China's GDP growth as on March 'O8 is more than 10% YoY with Inflation 8.3% YoY! ( China's inflation in prices of vegetables during same period is 21 % !! )