For USA,
the relation is analogous to Parents : Children
For India,
Boss : Exploited Worker
For China,
Master : Slave
In USA, a politician would do whatever he can to save the citizens from all the bad, just like a parent would do to their children. A parent would lie, cheat and steal from world so that his child can lead a normal life. Similarly, an American politician would do everything that he can do (involves igniting wars and going on war) to make sure that people back home are safe, and sound.
This is evident from all American citizens being very straightforward, sincere and nice to other people. Just like a child who has been kept away from the dirty world.
In India, a politician would be good to all the people from other countries but will suck everything out of its Citizens and at the same time behaves like a Godfather to the citizens. Just like a boss who not only pays no heed to the demands of his labor, but also makes the labor feel that he is the anna-daata, however he will be all nice and polite to his clients and suppliers.
In China, a government treats its citizens like slaves. They literally command them to do whatever it wants. They refrain from increasing labor wage rates because they want to be in a more respectable position to world. China might have high GDP, 2.5 trillion worth of US securities, etc. but people have no security. When you compare it with USA, its like a parent who feeds himself before his child. (Its one in a million possibility, but that's China)