Saturday, July 24, 2010

Tips for people who are thinking of suicide!

(Vivek Babajee's suicide and 3 idiots movie suicide made me think quite a few points about Suicide)

First of all, suicide is a crime. So its better you plan really well in advance to make sure that you don't be unsuccessful, unless you are prepared to be jailed.

Now, when you write a suicide letter, and want to blame someone for your situation, don't just 'Name' the person! I know you must be really depressed and want to take revenge on each and every person who has been even slightly bad with you. Even on your servant maid who did not come to work the previous day. Your position is anyway hopeless. As a matter of fact, you are a big loser. There cannot be a bigger one!
Now, diverting from your loser point. When you want to name someone for your miserable situation, give examples and anecdotes of why was that person cruel to you, with approximate time line and place. So that he/she can be rightfully pinned by law. If you do not have any significant reason or examples against that person, then do not just write a Name, you are committing a double sin - suicide and ruining someone's life. And in fact, if you do not have a significant reason, you might want to re-think as to why you want to kill yourself.

And on second thought, if the person has really made your life so horrible that it made you think of dropping to a loser level, I mean, made you think of committing suicide, Why not kill that person?! .. See, he might have a very good chance of escaping Indian law system. And in any case, he is not gonna be hanged because you committed a suicide. By killing that person, you will obviously have a risk of getting caught, but again, even if u get caught, Indian law system applies to you too. You have a bright chance of going free! Killing yourself is obviously not the option, you loser!

And finally, spiritually speaking - If you are committing suicide because you are in a deep 'trouble' (psst.. I wanted to write s*** here but I wanted 'family ratings' for my blog :P) because of your own actions, Suicide is just procrastinating your problems. If you think you are running away from your ruins, then you are not. You are gonna be Reborn and Suffer for all the deeds you did in this life and also for killing a human - Yourself!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

majja nahi aya dost.